Description: For the purpose of the Statewide Wetlands Inventory, DSL has restricted soil polygons displayed in the following manner.
The Predominantly Hydric Soil Map Units layer is created from an NRCS generated combined SSURGO/STATSGO dataset for Oregon. The Predominantly Hydric Soil Map Units layer displays all map units where “Percent Hydric” (hydclprs attribute) entry is greater than 50 percent. This shows map units with over 50 percent soil components meeting NRCS hydric criteria. These areas do not show where wetlands are, but where most soil components tend to be saturated, inundated or flooded for longer periods of time, thus increasing the potential that wetlands may develop in these areas. This layer is provided as a screening flag for those areas where wetland mapping may be lacking, incomplete or inaccurate. In all cases actual field conditions determine the presence and extent of wetlands.
This dataset can be downloaded from the Oregon Dept. of Administrative Services Geospatial Enterprise Office at:;q=*soils*
For more information go to NRCS Web Soil Survey Home:
Description: For the purpose of the Statewide Wetlands Inventory, DSL has restricted soil polygons displayed by selecting for Map Units with the Name (MUNAME) containing “Agate-Winlo”.
Agate-Winlo soils in Jackson County are highly associated with an aquatic resource of special concern; vernal pools. Contact DSL to see if vernal pools may be present on properties. SSURGO_STATSGO purpose: These data provide information about soil features on or near the surface of the Earth. Data were collected as part of the National Cooperative Soil Survey. These data are intended for geographic display and analysis at the state, regional, and national level. The data should be displayed and analyzed at scales appropriate for 1:250,000-scale data. SSURGO purpose: SSURGO depicts information about the kinds and distribution of soils on the landscape.
This data set can be downloaded from the Oregon Dept. of Administrative Services Geospatial Enterprise Office at:;q=*soils*
For more information go to NRCS Web Soil Survey Home: